Thursday 30 July 2009

Feeling back to my old self.

After yesterdays debarcle, I started today like a new clean sheet. I decided to call my CPN who is great and told her the story. And how other people reacted. She was disgusted by these people and said she would come and see me tomorrow. She mentioned you could have them for slander. I wish I knew how, but I dont :((. Still it is nice to have a support like that. I have been with her for 10 years and she knows me really well. She has been my rock and we have ended up good friends.
It hard to explain to people that you have problems with your mental health and I have since the age of 17. So I have had to live with it for a very long time and some days are better than others. I have really bad mood swings, I can go from uber happy to uber manic and I dont have any control over it. The medication partly helps, but I am learing to cope with it even more. As I a get older I have been told I will get worse not better. Which scares me. I have fab doctors, who listen to me and help me as much as they can. See if you tell people you have mental health problems they look at you as some sort of freak show and that really bugs me. I am a normal person I live a normal a life as possible. I have a family and a home that I am really proud of and they are my support network. And I wouldnt swop them for the world!!!!
It was just me and Jack today which was nice, we went to the Boro and it was like mommy and me time. No hastle, no nothing!!!! It was great and I loved it!!!!

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